
83 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Perhaps, eh...

You could finish it? It cuts off at like 30 seconds, the audio clips, it's about 10 minutes short of even being close to being a concerto, not accounting for form and movements.

Anyways, Yeah, it's ok. Perhaps some chromaticism would help, and some mood changes. The static direction of the song is just too dull, it could, and should, be going places. But it's just sticking with your main theme, there's no breakaway section.

Anyway, I do think you're talented, and I'm not trying to disrespect your work, but you've got talent, and you could probably get a lot further with it. Just keep working.

And research about form.

Ah, and research a piano's mechanics. This is unplayable, the bass notes would require freakishly large hands. xD

Anyway, keep trying. ;)

Regards, mate!

(I'll be watching out for ya)

DavidKracht responds:

There's a reason why i labelled it as a preview, =D

Don't worry about mood changes and such, that will come, i've only just begun today with it and this is a "cutted" version. I allready have the intro ready and things.

Also, i can play the bass notes.....it's from A to A, G to G, F, to F, and E to E. It's certainly reachable.


I gotta 10 this. I was pleasantly surprised to see this was original, and not some cheesey Bach remake. I absolutely love Bach.

Anyway, brilliant orchestration. You may want to give the players a second to breathe somewhere in the song. :)

Regards, MJTTOMB

Esn responds:

Thank you kindly.

There are plenty of spaces to sneak a breath in there, actually - I'd know if there weren't. I play the euphonium, after all. :)

This piece was a class assignment and I made some notes for it. I might as well post them here:

My intention, from the very beginning, was to write a piece that sounded like it had been written by Bach (or written in his style by somebody not very good at it, anyway) in the Baroque era. I told myself to forget about any personal preferences, listened to a number of Bach's sinfonias (freely available for listening on wikipedia) and tried to write something that sounded very much like them stylistically. This meant several things: first of all, there had to be very few if any breaks. Any pause or long note in one line would be instantly filled up with notes in another line. A musical phrase would not end at its exact appointed time; it would either continue on for a little longer or would end a little earlier, giving way to the next phrase. There would be a lot of syncopation. The time signature would not change, but the feel of time would (it would all come together in the end). And besides that, there would be thing like short motifs, sequences (also transposed and inversed), and a few passing key changes. The piece would be made up of a lot of little sections, rather than any long melodic lines.

Oh, and by the way, if anyone wants to see the sheet music, feel free to PM me.


Well, look who's done it again.

Starting out with the recorder and the strings on the same note took a bit away, but after the first measure it picked up. The percussion was surprisingly mild, coming from you. That could've used a bit of work. The horns fill at around 0:15 was a little empty, I'd try using horns from the bass register as well, the french horn and trumpet thing just doesn't sound too rich. Also, if you do add other horns, try and change the articulation a bit. All staccato can sound a bit bland. And when the voice fill comes in later at 1:03, perhaps have the horns play as well, and perhaps back them with strings. And, although not pertaining to the mood set by the title, I believe you may want to consider a full orchestral section.

Anyway, Regards. Congrats on making weekly 5.

MaestroRage responds:

Updated since you last listened MJTT ;).

I agree there is very little percussion in this piece. I decided that is what I wanted for it. Perhaps I should have added them, but adding percussion to this piece would make it more war like then I would have liked it. The point of this song is to show remorse, mourning, anger, and a bitterness, not specifically the fight that led to all that.

Some excellent suggestions concerning orchestral use, all valid, and ones I will have to consider. I am particularly happy with how this turned out, but I will still try out your suggestions, there will definitely be a moment where I go "interesting..." and store it for future use.

All staccato tuba's they were for that short segment. I decided to make them somewhat bland so they would not dominate. They were meant to be more support, but I believe I may have written them in a way which spoke otherwise, and because I did not master their volume levels right, may have made them seem otherwise.

Lesson learned, thanks for pointing that out.

Thank you for the review MJTTOMB, i'm glad you liked it!

Just ignore him man.

He thinks Jazza counts as a good musician, which instantly discredits his opinion for meaning anything.

Did you write this? It's brilliant, in my opinion. At points I'm reminded of Bach's Organ Concerto after Vivaldi in A minor.

The players are brilliant as well.

I'll fave and five.

Thanks man.

Regards, MJTTOMB

nutrumpet responds:

Thanks. It was written by Bozza performed by us. Nice to have someone intelligent review something.

Absolutely wonderful.

The 11/8 meter was crazy cool.I've never actually heard a piece in anything stranger than 5/4. I love the brief few seconds after 1:45. Although some of the modulations were a little off, the song was a beaut. Wonderful job, be sure to keep it up. 5.

I'll be checking back.


Bezo responds:

Some of the modulations were...jarring. But intentionally so. I love 11/8 time.

Lol at the dude before me.

Lol. The composer is so overrated. And who's ever heard of a musician without influences?

Anyway, Wonderful melody.

Although, yes, this did sound as though I've heard something before. I know the tune, but the name of the song escapes me, so I'll just carry on. Regardless, I'm going to lose sleep trying to figure it out.

But sheesh, why'd you have to say the key? I was quite proud to have found it out on my own. Anyway, wonderful accompaniment, and although I love the 3/4 meter, despite my general hate for anything not in 8/8.

Brilliantly done.

Winterwind-NS responds:

The composer is overrated, but its nice to hear that he's interested in our genre
lemme know if u figure out whatever piece it was that stood out wen u heard this.
and why would u say 8/8? >:[
lol that would be terrible to write a piece in 8/8 and confuse the living shit out of a noob pianist lol

thanks for the review!

I'm gonna reupload this whenever I get someone with GPO to GPO-ize this recording.
freaking FL duznt recognize the sustain wenevr i hit the pedal.
to anyone wondering, my computer crashed and i dont have gpo anymore so i reordered it.


Waaaaay unplayable. Also, "How about leaving some constructive criticism?"? What do you mean by that? When I left constructive criticism before, you turned it down like you were too good to listen all because you could talk about how great other musicians were. I believe Schoenburg was your example.

Anyway, way too fast. No pianist in history can play this fast. Some of the modulations went a little roughly. A little reverb and a lighter piano would have done well.

Anyway, 7 and a 4.

Billtog responds:

Well yes, this one is nowhere near playable. Maybe one pianist for each hand?
I don't really see how "dissonant" is constructive criticism. Do you mean there was too much dissonance? Obviously, if there was no dissonance, it would be very boring, and sometimes I may over do it on the harsh sounds to get away from that.


What? You're G minor, Rocky's D, and I'm C? Nice. 1-2-3.

We need an F to add to the group.

Anyway, I give it a 5. Very well constructed for being fairly serene yet at the same time serious.

Love the pizz. strings.

And the staccato.

What I believe to be french horns may need a breath once in a while.

Either way, great job. Reminded me very much of Mozart's simplistic, yet efficient style of writing.

Regards, MJTTOMB

Winterwind-NS responds:

"serene yet at the same time serious" - i like how u put that
ewwww u mentioned mozart lol
thanks for the review


Hmmm... Added timpani.

The staccato flute is out of tune. May want to fix that.

The horns sound brilliant.

Great job man, I really just don't feel like hauling my ass on two reviews in a day. sorry if I disappoint.

mechanoid-9 responds:

The flute is supposed to sound like that, it's a weird Japanese flute. I kinda like that detunedness.
Thanks a lot btw, and no prob, any review is better than no review at all.

Not bad, but not great.

I'll settle with a 4 and an 8.

Could use a little more emotion in the strings other than whole notes. They like quarter and eighth notes.

Regards, keep up the good work,

Decerto responds:

Thanks! I was actually thinking people will jump on this peice and rip it. It was only a test for the new strings i got.

Thanks again! i'm sure to upload some more peices soon

scooby doo @MJTTOMB

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